USAA – Undocumented Students and Allies Association

We promote and raise awareness of immigration issues on campus in order to create a more immigration-friendly campus by creating coalitions among undocumented students, allies, staff, and faculty and addressing the needs of undocumented students and allies on campus that are relevant to the current situation/environment/circumstance


Paulina Garcia (She/Her/Hers)

I am an Environmental Studies and Ethnic Studies double major, with a minor in Women and Gender Studies. I am very passionate about community-based organizing and creating spaces for all to feel seen, heard, and loved. USAA's mission is near and dear to my heart, and I am excited to meet everyone in our growing community!

My name is Dayana Lopez Guevara, and I'm a junior double majoring in English and Political Science. I love books, reality tv, taking road-trips, and connecting with new people. As a migrant myself, the work we do with USAA and the space we seek to create is very dear to my heart. We hope to see you in our events!

Dayana Lopez Guevara (She/Her/Hers)

Executive board

MCC Representative

Michelle Calderon-Flores

Co-Member Relations Chair/Treasurer

Daniel Martinez


Natalya Salaices


TLC - Together Ladies in Color


VSA - Vietnamese Student Association